A fond farewell and best wishes to Sean who has retired in November 2024 after clocking on for more than 8,500 shifts and travelling millions of kms working at Cochrane’s.
Sean has played a huge role in delivering print media and freight to SA communities for the majority of his time with us: he has done everything from throwing papers onto the front lawns of homes to co-ordinating the fleet of vehicles that deliver to regional SA each and every night.
He has also been involved in delivering the post, another essential for regional community life, from the Eyre to Roxby, Broken Hill and the South East.
Over the last 34 years, Sean has seen print media move to colour printing and to digitisation. At its peak, print media in SA produced more than 740,000 copies per week.
He has also seen Cochrane’s transform from a single shed at Torrensville to the incredible establishments we have today throughout SA.
We wish Sean all the best for his future in retirement once he resets his body clock and learns to sleep at night after all these years on the night shift!