What Customer Self-Service functions are available? | Cochrane’s Skip to main content

What Customer Self-Service functions are available?

Cochrane’s Transport provide a range of Customer Self-Service functions on-line via our website including:

  1. Create Consignment
  2. Customer Portal
  3. Book a Pickup
  4. Get a Quote
  5. Make a Payment

  1. Create Consignment
    • The Cochrane's Transport Create Consignment System is designed to create consignments (connotes) on-line and print consignment notes and labels for freight identification and tracking. It also includes capability to review past Consignment history and maintain customer details.
  2. Customer Portal  
    • The Customer Portal is designed to provide customers current and historical information on their consignments including, Proof Of Delivery (POD) and Freight Tracking. Customers can also access Financial Statements for the services we have provided.
  3. Book a Pickup
    • The Book a Pickup function provides the ability for customer account holders to make a booking for their freight to be picked up. Pickup bookings are only taken via the on-line Book a Pickup system.  
  4. Get a Quote
    • The Get a Quote function allows customers to receive a quote for freight and / or receiver destinations that are not currently covered by their existing rates.  The Get a Quote process can be particularly useful for businesses that pass on the delivery costs to their customers transport and want to know the exact cost beforehand.
  5. Make a Payment
    • Where it suits the customer to do so, we have the capability to take payments on-line via BPOINT. 

In addition to these customer self-service functions we can accommodate establishment of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) with customer systems to enable EDI data transfer to and from Cochrane’s Transport.  Typically, this would be;

  • Customer EDI of Consignment Note data into Cochrane’s Transport systems
  • Cochrane’s Transport EDI of scan event and POD data into Customer systems.