How do I request a Quote? | Cochrane’s Skip to main content

How do I request a Quote?

This is a summary of how to Get a Quote, for more detail please see Get a Quote - Instructions.

Select Get a Quote from the top main menu and you will be presented with page 1 of Quote Request Form.

On page 1 you enter the specific Transport Quote information into the fields provided, noting that all fields are mandatory.

  1. Pick Up From and Deliver to (suburb/location)
  2. Dimensions: Width W(cm), Depth D(cm), Height H(cm), Weight (kg) and Quantity
  3. Describe Freight: describe freight items to be transported (For example: Item, Carton, Bundle, Skid, Pallet)  
  4. Are these Dangerous Goods?   Yes    No
    • For Quote to be prepared correctly, Dangerous Goods being transported must be declared.
  5. Once all fields have been completed click the NEXT button to go to Page 2.

 On page 2 you enter your contact information into the fields provided, noting that all fields are mandatory.

  1. Name, Email address & Phone number
  2. Company Details
    • If your business is requesting the quote enter its company name.
    • If you personally are requesting the quote, enter ‘Personal’.
  3. Are you an existing customer?   Yes    No
    • If you select Yes you will be asked to enter your Account Number so we can prepare your quote using your existing rates.
    • If you do not have an account with us you will be quoted at our standard rates.
  4. To proceed, please click on the square next to the ‘I’m not a robot’ reCAPTCHA verification.
  5. Successful verification will show with a ‘green tick’
  6. Once all fields have been completed click on the SUBMIT button to go to complete the quote submission process.
    • An error message will indicate that a field has been left blank correct this on Page 2 or select GO BACK if the blank field is on Page 1.  Note all other field entries are retained if you have to do this.  Correct the error and click on the SUBMIT button again.
  7. Successful Quote Request submission will be displayed.
  8. Quote Request submission is complete.