How do I make a BPOINT payment? | Cochrane’s Skip to main content

How do I make a BPOINT payment?

Select Make a Payment from the top menu.

To make an online payment using your Visa or Mastercard Credit or Debit Card you will need the Reference Number from the invoice you are paying and your Visa or Mastercard Credit or Debit Card.

  1. Click on PAY BY BPOINT button.
    1. You are paying Peter Cochrane Management Pty Ltd
    2. Biller Code 1982024 – Online Acc Payment
    3. Enter Your Reference Number from the invoice you are paying in the field provided.
  2. Click on NEXT button.
    1. Enter the amount you are paying.
  3. Click on NEXT button.
    1. Enter your Visa or Mastercard Credit or Debit Card details.
    2. Card surcharge total payment amount including surcharge is displayed.
  4. Click on NEXT button.
  5. Review Details of payment and click on PAY.
  6. Once you have completed your payment, BPOINT will provide you with a receipt number. You can choose to email yourself a copy of the receipt or print it.