How do I Book a Pickup? | Cochrane’s Skip to main content

How do I Book a Pickup?

This is a summary of how to Book a Pickup, for more detail please see Book a Pickup - Instructions.

Select Book a Pickup from the top main menu and you will be presented with page 1 of Book a Pickup Form.

On page 1 you enter the account details, pickup day-time & freight information into the fields provided. 

  1. Account Details: enter the account number for who is being invoiced for the transport.      (required field)
    • Enter 5-digit account number, e.g. 12345, 00123
  2. Order Number: enter an order number if relevant. (optional field)
  3. Pickup Date: enter today’s date or a future date for pickup. (required field)
  4. Ready Time: enter time the freight will be ready to be picked up. (required field)
    • Available times are between 8 AM and 4 PM.
  5. Closing Time: enter time the pickup location closes. (required field)
    • Available times are between 8 AM and 6 PM.
  6. Describe Freight – Describe freight to be picked up, type, size, quantities, weights and dimensions.  Include DG and pallet exchange, if applicable. (required field)
  7. Booking Confirmation Email: enter an email address for receiver, or other party, to also receive notification of this pickup.  (optional field)
    • Note Sender email address is entered on page 2.  
  8. Phone Number: enter number to enable phone or text contact. (optional field)
  9. Once all required fields have been completed click the NEXT button to go to Page 2.

On page 2 you enter Sender information into the fields provided.

  1. Sender – First Name, Last Name & Company Name (required fields)
  2. Sender – Contact Name, Arranged Person Name: (optional fields)
  3. Sender – Street Address, Town/Suburb & Postcode. (required fields)
  4. Sender – Phone Number & Email address. (required fields)
  5. If the Sender is the same company as Invoice To, tick box provided, otherwise enter:  
    • Sender Invoice Details: First Name, Last Name & Company Name. (required fields)
    • Sender Invoice Address: Street Address, Town & Postcode. (required fields)
    • Sender Invoice Contact Details: Phone Number & Email. (required fields)
    • If your business is requesting the quote enter its company name.
  6. Once all required fields have been completed click the NEXT button to go to Page 3.

 On page 3 you enter Receiver information into the fields provided.

  1. Receiver – First Name, Last Name & Company Name. (required fields)
  2. Receiver – Contact Name (optional field)
  3. Receiver – Address, Town/Suburb & Postcode. (required fields)
  4. Receiver – Phone Number & Email. (required fields)
  5. To proceed, please click on the square next to the ‘I’m not a robot’ reCAPTCHA verification.
  6. Successful verification will show with a ‘green tick’
  7. Successful Pickup Request submission will appear on screen with a Reference Number.
  8. Book a Pickup submission is complete.



  • During form completion an error message will indicate that a field has been left blank, you can then correct this on the page.  You can also select GO BACK to review previous entries. All previous field entries are retained if you do this.
  • On completion Confirmation emails are sent to Sender email address and, if entered, the Booking Confirmation email address.