During the COVID-19 pandemic Cochrane's Transport was able to respond to an urgent request from the Department of Education and SA Health to deliver masks to every school in the state to support the rapid reopening of schools.
We received a letter of thanks from the Minister for Education dated 11 August 2021 that included the following:
"On behalf of South Australia's public schools and preschools we would like to thank the team at Cochrane's Transport for the exceptional service provided in distributing face masks to our sites across the state."
"Cochrane's support, logistics expertise and rapid response during the lockdown to distribute over 2.7 million face masks has played a crucial part in the safe reopening of our schools and preschools.."
"We are proud to be partnering with a South Australian family business dedicated to service excellence in our state and local communities."

To support the rapid reopening of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic we were asked to deliver masks to every school in the state within a few days. This meant coordinating mask inventory levels and delivery quantity per location with both SA Health and the Department of Education, creating the consignments, preparing the shipments for transport and delivering.
Using our extensive network and fleet plus coordinating between the stakeholders, we met the critical timeframes in distributing more than 2,700,000 face masks across South Australia.
Cochrane’s are proud to have played a significant role in supporting South Australians during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This is part of Project Energy Connect that will see the construction of a new 330 kilovolt (kV) above ground transmission line, with approximately 800MW transfer capacity.
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Our expert customer service team are here to help Mon - Fri between 8AM to 5PM 1300 262 472

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